Care and feeding routine - Tips for a glowy complexion

Tips and tricks for a glowy complexion!
A glowy complexion is skin that's healthy, radiant and naturally glowing. But glow isn't just about the cosmetic care you give your skin. It's also about what you eat! Discover our tips and tricks for a glowy complexion, an "IN & OUT" trend to look your best.
The skincare routine for a luminous complexion
First and foremost, the word "glow" means "radiance" or "light". If you're one of those people who would like to have a radiant complexion all year round, even in winter, follow these 3 steps to care for your skin.
Step 1: Cleansing and make-up removal
Removing make-up and cleansing your skin every night is essential, not to say compulsory. Every day, our skin is stressed and attacked by various elements: pollution, impurities and make-up. It is therefore important to remove all these toxins so that the skin can breathe and regenerate itself during the night.
Start by applying a make-up remover like Hydra Ecume - Eau Démaquillante or Lait Démaquillant Velouté which will remove all impurities and make-up perfectly. Next, cleanse your face with Lotion Algamarine to prepare the skin for its treatments. Finally, apply L’Hydra Ecume - Mousse Nettoyante Oxygénante. L’ensemble de ces trois étapes va rendre votre peau nette, lisse et plus lumineuse.
Step 2: Exfoliating the skin
For beautiful skin and a fresh complexion, facial exfoliation is just as important as moisturizing. Dead skin cells clog pores and prevent the skin from breathing. It's crucial to remove them regularly! This will enable skin care products to be more effective. Once a week or every 15 days, depending on your skin texture, exfoliating your face helps remove all impurities and boosts cell renewal. Gommage des Vagues is a product made with 92% natural ingredients, whose active ingredients replenish your skin. If you use it once or twice a week, your complexion will look radiant and even, and your skin will feel smoother.
Step 3: Moisturizing the skin
We can't stress it enough: moisturizing is the very essence of a wellness routine. Cells fill up with water, leaving skin plump, protected and moisturized all day long.
L'Élixir de Pen Lan is a precious oil that releases all the benefits of the Pen Lan coastline. Just a few drops of oil, alone or under your skincare cream, nourishes, regenerates and restores radiance to your skin for immediate hydration.
For those who prefer a cream with a rich, unctuous texture, la crème du Jardin Marin is just what you're looking for. With its moisturizing, nourishing and protective properties, this treatment, applied morning and night to the face, brings suppleness and elasticity to the skin.
Whether cream, oil, mask or elixir, it's your best friend for absolute hydration.
The best foods for a glowy complexion
Healthy eating has a positive effect on your complexion. It's true that beauty products have a considerable effect on our skin (cosmetics boost hydration), but without a balanced diet, your complexion won't be as luminous.
To achieve a glowy complexion, many nutrients are essential for the skin:
- proteins: in particular vegetable proteins such as soy and squash, and animal proteins such as meat and eggs. These foods give you a firm complexion;
- vitamins: it's often said that eating carrots gives you a rosy complexion. The beta-carotene present in this vegetable, but also in sweet potatoes, helps to assimilate vitamin A and give that radiant complexion. Vitamin A (melon, tomato, bell pepper) protects the skin from external aggression and revitalizes cells. As for vitamin B (meat, fish, eggs), it helps the skin heal more quickly.
We're not telling you anything if we tell you that eating sweet foods isn't good for your health. The same applies to your skin. A diet too rich in sugar creates an imbalance and tends to bring out skin problems and accelerate skin aging.
Here is a non-exhaustive list of foods to choose from:
- Almonds and walnuts: rich in omega-3s, they help nourish the skin and maintain a glowing complexion;
- Avocados: the ultimate fruit! This superfood should be eaten 2 or 3 times a week. It protects the skin from free radicals and is an antioxidant rich in vitamin E;
- Cucumber: take advantage of the warmer months to enjoy this vegetable, a great hydrating ally;
- dark chocolate: we recommend eating 80% cocoa dark chocolate. This little delicacy is one of the antioxidants that help prevent skin imperfections;
- flaxseed: a must! Flaxseed has a plumping effect on the skin and reduces the appearance of wrinkles;
- oily fish: naturopaths recommend eating fish at least 3 times a week, as its omega-3 content is important for a balanced diet. Sardines, salmon and mackerel help control skin inflammation.
Another essential element, and perhaps the most important, is water. Our bodies need to hydrate as much as possible. Every cell needs water! A dull complexion is very often due to a lack of hydration.
It's recommended to drink 1.5 L a day. If mineral water isn't your thing, you can add a little squeezed lemon juice.
Another tip: herbal teas are also a good compromise.
These few tips and tricks will help you adopt the right gestures for a glowy complexion. In the meantime, take care of your skin by moisturizing as much as possible, and above all, drink plenty of water!